As I scrolled through the messages and missed calls, I spotted a new cache alert that had just come out, and it had my name on it. I told Mimi about it, and she ran into the bedroom to get ready to run. I downloaded the new cache to my GPS, quickly poured some hot coffee, and we ran out the door, praying that no would beat us there, and that no one would see us with morning hair and breath!
Everything went smooth until 46 closes to a two lane road, and we got stuck behind a moving van looking for the street he had to turn on. We averaged about 30 mph for about three miles before he finally turned off into a subdivision, and we could get back up to speed. We arrived at GZ, and noone was there!
This special War1man Birthday cache was put out by Turtletoes/Biggie/CHEF, and since their Hunter's Needs caches are my favorite series of their caches, she hid a special Hunter's Needs cache there for me. After spending some time in a rock pile, and then in a pile of paving, I honed in on the cache. Mimi and I chuckled when we found it, and we had the log in hand on the second try, and signed it at the TOP of the log sheet. First to Find! Mimi took a picture of me smoking the celebratory FTF victory cigar! I called the

War1man and Mimi would like to again thank Michelle, Tim, and Judy for making my birthday so special. What a terrific start to my day. This cache, along with the many birthday wishes from my Facebook friends and family, has made this birthday one that I will never forget!!
Sorry about the bad hair, but you notice Mimi is no where around!!
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